

Vaccination is a preventive medicine technique whose objective is to procure immunity against an infectious organism, that is, a substance is administered that will cause your immune system to defend itself in case of contact with the microorganism and get the severity of the disease be much smaller or even, prevent the animal from getting sick.

The vaccines are prepared with killed microorganisms (inactivated vaccine) or live but weakened (attenuated vaccine). When administered, they prepare the body of the subject to learn how to fight that disease, and in this way, in case of infection, the body of the animal is able to solve it by itself.


It has been proven that vaccines provide better results when are applied to animals with low levels of stress, well fed and after being wormed. At our El Drago Veterinary Clinic we will advise you individually.

According to the World Health Organization, it is indisputable that there is no preventive health intervention more effective than vaccination. And this translates into a very great reduction in mortality, as well as the veterinary expenses involved in curing a sick animal of a pathology that could have been prevented.

Before any vaccination in pets, the veterinarian verifies that the animal is 100% healthy, since immunization could not occur or cause secondary problems; In addition, you have to take into account that you do not get immunized for life. It is important that the pet is properly dewormed to ensure fully operational defenses.

In puppies, the veterinarian creates a primary vaccination program consisting of a first contact with the most common or aggressive diseases in the pet, several doses are administered in a short time with prudential distances between them; subsequently, each vaccination carries its own reminder, that is, it will be revaccinated every certain period of time. The corresponding protocol is also applied to the endemic area and the program of choice established by the clinic itself.

Keep in mind that the latest trends in vaccination allow, in many cases, the renewal of vaccines for pets can it be postponed up to 3 years, however, it is recommended an annual review by the veterinarian of your choice to ensure that all it goes well and assess the necessary waiting time or, failing that, revaccinate the pet, in other words, the program established by the trusted veterinarian must be followed.

The pets that most undergo a certain vaccination protocol are dogs and cats. Also (although to a lesser extent) ferrets, rabbits and other small mammals, in addition to certain birds.

DOGS VACCINES: Parvovirus, Canine distemper, Leptospirosis, Coronavirosis, Canine viral hepatitis, Kennel cough, Rabies.

CATS VACCINES: Feline Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, Calcivirosis, Feline Leukemia, Feline Infectious Peritonitis, Feline Chlamydiosis, Feline Bordetellosis, Rabies.

FERRET VACCINES: Distemmy, Rabies.

RABBITS VACCINES: Myxomatosis, Viral hemorrhagic disease, Respiratory diseases by Pasteurella and Bordetella, Enterotoxemia.